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Resources to support the framework

Resources to support the framework

Watch the CPD Be the best you can be animation

Download the NMAHP Development Framework (pdf) 

Download the NMAHP Development Framework promotional flyer (PDF)


The framework in action

Please view the videos from the workshops held during January and March 2023

Using the framework in academic programme of study for AHPs (duration 7.03)
Dougie McLaughlan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physiotherapy & Paramedicine, Glasgow Caledonian University

Advanced Practitioner's perspective of using the framework to help you focus on your learning and development (duration 9.20)
Claire Tarr, Advanced Speech and Language Therapist, NHS Grampian

How the framework and DNAT tools help structure development within the 4 pillars of practice (duration 8.54)
Eiliane White, Clinical Academic Nurse Consultant for Older People, NHS Tayside and University of Dundee

Excellence in training, education and development for MSK physiotherapists (duration 12.04)
Phil Ackerman, Consultant MSK Physiotherapist, NHS Lothian 

Healthcare Support Worker perspective of using the framework and four pillars of practice in learning and development (duration 4.33)
Gemma Walker, Associate Practice Educator, NHS Tayside

Useful Resources   

Leadership and Development Zone
Quality Improvement Zone   
The Knowledge Network 
NHS Education for Scotland  website
Healthcare Support Workers
Flying Start NHS 
Effective Practitioner
Advanced Practice Toolkit 
Clinical Supervision
AHP Supervision Education Sessions

Examples of Specialist Career and Development Frameworks 

Career and Development Framework for Health Protection Nursing
Career Development Framework for Nurse Endoscopists in Scotland 
Perioperative Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professions Career Development Framework
Perioperative Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professions Education Development Framework
Informing and Profiling Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Knowledge and Skills (IPAACKS) 
Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Development Framework for Major Trauma Care in Scotland

Turas Professional Portfolios

Nursing and Midwifery Professional Portfolio 
AHP  Professional Portfolio  
Professional Portfolio (Recognition of Prior Learning) for Healthcare Support Workers (HCSWs)